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Electricians in Bucaramanga

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‘Electricians’ in Bucaramanga

Francisco M.

2 reviews
3 orders
ID verified
Mas de 10 años en instalaciones eléctricas recidencial, industrial, comercial, reformas, montaje de gabinetes, contadores, instalación de ventilador de techo, duchas eléctricas,tramites ante el operador de red, epm legalización de instalaciones,reparación de todo tipo de electrodoméstico, instalación de todo tipo de luminarias, técnico electricista con tarjeta profecional conté, trabajos de plomeria y pintura de casa, mantenimiento aire acondicionado
Muy responsable en su trabajo, terminó muy rápido y las cosas bien hechas. No tuve ningún inconveniente con la certificación de la energía. Recomendado
Alex Torres, 28 days ago

Dairo Antonio M.

2 reviews
3 orders
ID verified
Hola Saludos ! Antes de hablarte sobre mi experiencia, quiero decirte que soy una persona muy responsable, RESPETUOSO, proactivo y sobre todo, muy HONESTO. SOY POLIVALENTE. Electricista y mecánico (electromecánico) certificado. (ITM y SENA) Tengo experiencia en mantenimiento locativo e industrial. Hago trabajos de electricidad y mecánica Residencial y todo lo relacionado. -Pintura -resane -plomeria -arreglo de electrodomésticos -armado de muebles TODO LO RELACIONADO CON EL MANTENIMIENTO RESIDENCIAL. TENGO TRANSPORTE Y GUACAL Para transportar a tu mascota, tengo la experiencia, los implementos y un auxiliar. Realizó todo tipo de trabajo ya que cuento con más de 10 años de experiencia en todo tipo de trabajo. Te ayudaré en todo lo que necesites.
Super recomendado. Muy hinestk, educado, ágil he inteligente.
Maria Ceballos Jimenez, 1 month ago

Juan David P.

21 reviews
23 orders
ID verified
Reparación y mantenimiento de electrodomésticos, plomería en general, redes eléctricas y mantenimiento, pintura. Trabajo garantizado, honestidad y cumplimiento.
Excelente servicio, serio, amable y muy efectivo, 100% recomendado. muchas gracias!
Camilo Hüssain, 1 month ago
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'Electricians' in Bucaramanga city

What are the benefits of using inDrive.Services to find electricians in Bucaramanga?

Utilizing inDrive.Services to find electricians in Bucaramanga offers several advantages. Firstly, you gain access to a pool of qualified and vetted electricians, ensuring reliability and quality service. Secondly, the platform allows you to easily compare quotes and profiles of different electricians, empowering you to make an informed decision. Additionally, inDrive.Services streamlines the booking process, saving you time and effort by facilitating communication and scheduling. Lastly, the platform provides transparency, with clear pricing and reviews from past customers, giving you confidence in your choice of electrician.

Can I find emergency electricians in Bucaramanga through inDrive.Services?

Yes, inDrive.Services enables you to find emergency electricians in Bucaramanga efficiently. Simply post your emergency service request on the platform, specifying the nature of the issue and the urgency. Qualified electricians who are available for emergency calls will respond promptly, allowing you to quickly address any electrical issues, even outside regular business hours.

How does inDrive.Services ensure the quality of electricians in Bucaramanga?

inDrive.Services maintains a rigorous vetting process for electricians in Bucaramanga to uphold service quality standards. This process includes verifying licenses, certifications, and past work experience. Additionally, the platform collects feedback and reviews from customers who have previously hired electricians, allowing users to assess the quality of service and make informed decisions when selecting a provider.

Can I request specific electrical services through inDrive.Services?

Absolutely! inDrive.Services caters to a wide range of electrical service needs in Bucaramanga. Whether you require installations, repairs, maintenance, or upgrades, you can post your specific requirements on the platform. Electricians with expertise in various specialties, such as residential, commercial, or industrial electrical work, will then submit proposals tailored to your needs.

How quickly can I expect a response from electricians after posting a request on inDrive.Services?

The response time from electricians on inDrive.Services may vary depending on factors such as demand and the urgency of your request. However, most electricians strive to respond promptly to service requests to accommodate the needs of customers. You can typically expect to receive proposals and communication from interested electricians within just 5 minutes* of posting your request on the platform.

Can I negotiate prices with electricians through inDrive.Services?

While inDrive.Services provides transparency in pricing by allowing electricians to submit quotes for your service request, there may be room for negotiation in certain cases. After receiving proposals from electricians, you can communicate directly with them to discuss pricing, scope of work, and any other relevant details. This open dialogue enables you to reach mutually agreeable terms before finalizing the service contract.

Are there any additional fees or hidden charges when hiring electricians through inDrive.Services?

No, inDrive.Services operates on a transparent pricing model without hidden fees or additional charges. The platform allows you to view and compare quotes from different electricians, enabling you to make cost-effective decisions based on your budget and service requirements. The price you see on the platform is the price you pay, ensuring clarity and fairness in the hiring process.

Can I schedule recurring electrical maintenance services through inDrive.Services?

Yes, inDrive.Services facilitates the scheduling of recurring electrical maintenance services in Bucaramanga. Whether you need regular inspections, repairs, or upgrades for your property, you can set up recurring service requests on the platform. This ensures that your electrical systems remain in optimal condition over time, providing peace of mind and minimizing the risk of unexpected issues.
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